DATE OF BIRTH: 10th February 1970
- Venkata Rao, H. No: 11-12-48/1,
Sri Sannidhi Function Hall Line, Ramireddy Pet,
Narasarao Pet,
Guntur (Dt), PIN: 522601 Cell : 9441127485
E-Mail: vvenkatarao2k9tec@gmail.com
- D. (Global Positioning System (GPS)) from JNTUH, Hyderabad, 2011.
- E. (Microwaves and Radar Engineering) from Osmania University, Hyderabad, 1999.
- E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka, 1992.
- Intermediate (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry), Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad,
- S. C., Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad, 1985.
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Image Processing
- Embedded Systems
- Working as Professor and H. O. D. of ECE in Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet from May 2012 – Till
- Worked as Professor in Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet from December 2011 – April
- Worked as Professor and H. O. D. in Tirumala Engineering College, Narasaraopet from July 2009 – November
- Worked as Associate Professor in Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet from July 2002 – June
- Worked as Programmer in Prithvi Information Solutions Ltd., Hyderabad from January 2001 – June
- Worked as Senior Research Assistant (SRA) in Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), Osmania University from July 1999 – December
- Worked as Production Manager in Sri Sai Electronics, Hyderabad from May 1996
– February 1999. Nature of work includes Designing, Planning of raw materials, Production, Packing, and looking after the Quality control of Deflection components.
- Worked as Engineer Trainee in Suchitra Electronics Ltd., Hyderabad from January 1994 – April 1996. Nature of work includes Raw materials/Production planning and looking after the production activities of Deflection
- Received a Grant of Rs. 16,71,000/- from AICTE in the scheme of MODROBS for Microwaves and Optical Communication Lab (AICTE File: 9- 150
/RIFD/MOD/Policy -1 /2018-19).
- Received another Grant of Rs. 10,31,373/- from AICTE in the scheme of MODROBS for VLSI Lab (File. No. 9- I 5 8/lDC/MODROB/Policy -l /2019 -20).
- Received AICTE sponsored Seminar Grant of Rs. 1, 00, 000/- as Coordinator for conducting 2-Day National Seminar on RESEARCH AVENUES IN GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) during 13th and 14th SEPTEMBER,
- Convener for the two day International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications NECICASPC-2K21, NECICASPC-2K20, NECICASPC-2K16, NECICASPC-2K15 and NECICASPC-2K14.
- Ratified as Professor in JNTUK, Kakinada in October,
- Department of ECE, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet got NBA Accreditation for two years in 2013 and for another three years in 2017 under my
- Acting as Chairman, Board of studies for ECE board for Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous), Narasaraopet in Curriculum design and Syllabus
- As HoD, I have represented the ECE Department for various inspections like NAAC, Autonomous, JNTUK Research Center
- IEEE Member # 94721103
- Life Member of ISTE (LM 60635)
- Paper Setter for U.G. and P.G. Courses of Autonomous Institutions and Universities.
- Reviewer for Publications in International Conferences.
- Judge for National Level Technical, Cultural & Sports Carnival LAKSHYAM – 2K13 held during 22nd – 23rd March 2014 at Sri Mittapalli Institute of Technology for Women, Tummalapalem, NH-5, Guntur (Dist.).
- Judge for National Level Technical Symposium PRAYOGA-2K13 held during 8th
– 9th March 2013 at PNC & Vijai Institute of Engineering and Technology, Repudi (Village), Guntur (Dist.).
- Convener for the Two Day National Level Technical Symposium “TEC PRAYAGA” held during 29th – 30th September 2011 at Tirumala Engineering College,
- External examiner for B. Tech Projects and M. Tech
- Micro Computer System Design
- Digital System Design
- Embedded and Real-Time Systems
- Design of Fault-Tolerant Systems
- Microprocessors and Interfacing
- Analog Communications
- Digital Communications
- Satellite Communications
- Microwave Engineering
- Radar Systems
- Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Electronic Circuit Analysis
- Switching Theory and Logic Design / Digital Logic Design
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Linear and Digital IC Applications / Linear IC Applications
- Robotics and Embedded Systems
- Embedded and Real Time Systems
Ph.D. Guidance: One student under JNTUH, Hyderabad.
Internet of Things (IOT) Lab
- Robotics and Embedded Systems Lab
- Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab
- Electronic Circuits Lab
- Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab
- Analog Communications Lab
- Digital Communications Lab
- IC Applications & E-CAD Lab
- Microprocessors and Interfacing Lab
- Microwaves and Optical Communications Lab
- Digital Signal Processing Lab
- Gopala Krishna, Dr.V.Venkata Rao, V.Rama Krishna Reddy,” High-Speed And Area Efficient Configurable Parallel Adder For Approximate Computing”, Science, Technology and Development, ISSN: 0950-0707, Volume IX Issue V, MAY 2020. DOI:20.18001.STD.2020.V9I5.20.33847
- J Ravi Kumar, Venkata Rao, ETL,” Implementation of IoT analytics ionospheric forecasting system based on machine learning ThinkSpeak”, IET Radar, Sonar, And Navigation, ISSN:1751-8784,Feb,2020,Vol 14, Issue 2,pp.:341-345. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-rsn.2019.0394
- R Sambasiva Nayak, Sk. Bajidvali, Amit Gupta and Venkat Rao, ““High Isolation Eight-Element MIMO Antenna Array Tightly Arranged Based on Embedded Meta-Material Cells” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Apr- 21, Vol 14, Issue15, pages: 1168-1176, P-0974-6846,&E-0974-5645. DOI: 10.17485/IJST/v14i15.2319
- BajidVali and V.Venkata Rao, “Human gait detection using silhouette image recognition” Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education(TJCME), Apr-21, Vol.12 Issue No.7(2021), PP:1320-1326. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i7.2844
- Venkat Rao, E. Narendra, A.Raveendrababu, T. Indira and N. Srinivasa Rao,” IoT Based Automatic LPG Leakage Alert System” The International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Jul-20, Volume XII, Issue VII, ISSN NO:0886-9367. DOI:18.0002. IJAEMA.2020.V12I7.200001.01568590109
- Thirupathi Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “An Improved Approach for Underwater Image Restoration”, International Journal for Management, Technology, and Engineering, ISSN:2249-7455, Volume IX, Issue VI, June 20019, pp.4297-4302.
- Rosylin, M. Srinivasa Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “A Low-Power High-Speed CMOS Comparator for Precise Applications”, International Journal for Recent Development in Science and Technology, ISSN:2581-4575, Volume 3, Issue 9, Sept 20019, pp.8-15.
- Suma, A. V. Nageswara Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “VLSI Architecture for Efficient DCT Image Compression”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, E-ISSN:2348-1269, P-ISSN:2349-5138, Volume 6, Issue 2, Sept 20019, pp.1-16.
- S. J. Victor, A. Charles Stud and V. Venkata Rao, “Filter Bank Multi-Carrier Method for Channel Estimation”, International Journal of Research, ISSN No: 2236-6124, Volume VIII, Issue VI, June 20019, pp.5588-5595.
- Srinivas and V. Venkata Rao, “Random Flipping and Random Jamming Coding Scheme for Secure Communication”, Pramana Research Journal, ISSN: 2249-2976, Volume 8, Issue 12, 2018, pp.74-81.
- Venkata Rao, T.Indira, Ch. Krishna Priya, P. Vasanthi, “Design and Simulation of 1Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit Design Using pass-Transistor Logic Families”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 1314- 3395, Volume 120, No. 6, 2018, pp.4163-4178.
- Venkata Rao, T.Indira, Ch. Krishna Priya, P.Vasanthi,” New Security Improved Boolean XOR operation Based Natural Secret Image Sharing Scheme”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN:1314-3395
,Vol:120,No 6, 2018,pp-no:4027-4038. .(IF:7.96). (SCOPUS).
- Rama Krishna Reddy, V.Venkata Rao, M.Sailaja, Ch. Karthik, E.Narendra, “Realization of Effective Reversible Decoder based Combinational Circuits”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 1314-3395, Volume 120, No. 6, 2018, pp.4503-4517.
- Revathi, V.Venkata Rao. “Reduction of Power in TCAM Using Precharge Controller”, International Journal Research, e-ISSN: 2348-6848 Vol.5, Issue 16, June 2018, pp.1449-1453.
- Sukanya, V.Venkata Rao. “Brain MRI Segmentation”, International Journal of Advance Research and latest trends, ISSN 3011-3030 Vol.9, Issue 4, 2017, pp.2286-2292.
- Sandeep Chittem, and Venkata Rao, “Analysis of Efficient Energy Based Compression Techniques for Wireless Networks”, Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies (GJAET), Vol. 4 Issue 1, 2015, pp. 46-50.
- Lalitha Aswani and Venkata Rao, “Design and Simulation of 6 Element Log Periodic Antenna for UHF Applications”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Education (IJSAE), Vol. 3 Issue 3, March 2015, pp. 3118-3121.
- Rajeswari and V. Venkata Rao, “An Adaptive and Optimized Center Pixel Weights based Image Denoising”, International Journal of Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJRECE), Vol. 2, Issue 6, Nov-Dec. 2014, pp. 437-443.
- Joseph Santhi Kumar. J. and Venkata Rao, “Video Compression based on Bit Stream Calculation Using Lossless Coding System”, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR), Vol. 2, Issue 10, Oct. 2013, pp. 432- 435.
- Surendra Padavala and Venkata Rao, “Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Region Based Shape Descriptor and SVM Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2013, pp. 2659-2664.
- Vagya Naik, Addanki Srinu and V. Venkata Rao, “Analysis of Time-Varying Cortical Connectivity in the Newborn EEG”, International Journal of Technology and Engineering Science (IJTES), pp. 201-204, Vol. 1(3), June – 2013.
- V. M.Krishna, M. Venkata Subba Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “Glitch Reduction In Low Power TG-Multiplier”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, pp. 2138-2142, Vol. 2, Issue 6, June – 2013.
- Ravi Kumar, V. Venkata Rao and m. Srinivasa Rao, “BER Analysis of Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems through AWGN and Rayleigh Channels”, International Journal of Communication Engineering, pp. 140-144, Volume 2, Issue-1, October 2012.
- Faarok Syed, Venkata Rao, “Self-Immunity Technique to Improve Register File Integrity”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE),Vol-1, Issue 8, October 2012, pp. 21- 27.
- Padmavathi, Addanki Srinu, Jagadeesh Thati, V. Venkata Rao, “Investigation of Iterative Decoding For Turbo Codes Using Highest A Posteriori Algorithm”, IJAIR, ISSN No: 2278-7844, 2012, pp. 10-16.
- Baloji Naik, V. Venkata Rao, “Peak- and Average –Power Reduction in Check-Based BIST by using Bit-Swapping LFSR and Check-Chain Ordering”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol-4, Issue 4, Sep-Oct. 2012, pp. 36-42.
- Mohammed Umar Shaik, Venkata Rao, “Pulse Compression Techniques of Phase Coded Waveforms in Radar”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 8, August-2012, pp. 1-4.
- Lavanya Bandamneni, Venkata Rao, “Colour Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion for High Visual Quality Shares”, International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, ISSN No:2277-1956, Volume 1, Number 3, 2012, pp. 1176-1182.
- Jagadeesh Thati, T. B. Prasadh Reddy and Venkata Rao, “Speech Recognition Using Hybrid Algorithm”, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.2, 2011
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha, Y. Ravi Kumar and
- V. N. M. Prasad, “Analysis of Relativistic Error Effect on the GPS Time and the Receiver Position Accuracy”, The CIIT International Journal of Wireless Communication, Vol. 2, No. 9, Sept. 2010, pp. 318-324.
- Sasibhushana Rao, A. D. Sarma, V. Venkata Rao and K. Ramalingam, “ A Non-Precision Instrument Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance (IPV) for Aircraft Landings Using GPS”, Vol. 54, No.1, The Journal of Navigation (U K), May, 2001, pp. 281-291.
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao and M. Madhavi Latha, “Receiver Position error Analysis Using Point Solution Approach Algorithm”, The IUP Journal of Telecommunications, Vol. II, No. 4, November 2010, pp. 33-39.
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha and M. N. V. S. S. Kumar, “GPS Position Error Analysis for Precise Surveying and GAGAN Applications Over the Indian Subcontinent”, The Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, Volume 14, No. 4, October, 2010, pp. 259-264.
- A D Sarma, Venkata Rao and G.Sasibhushana Rao “Application of SCORE algorithm to improve GPS accuracy in low latitude regions” Indian Journal of Radio& Space Physics, Vol.31, 2002, pp. 197-200.
- D. Sarma, G.Sasibhushana Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “ Ionospheric Reference Station Placement for INWAAS – A preliminary study”, The Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2000, pp. 41-49.
- Venkata Rao, et.al, ” Unmanned Petol Pump System Using RFID Technology ”, International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NEC-ICASPC-2K21) 23rd & 24th July, 2021. Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet, A.P, India.
- Venkata Rao , et.al, ” IOT Technology used for Solar Tracking System for Effective Electricity Generation”, International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NEC-ICASPC-2K20) 17th -18th July, 2020. Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet, A.P, India.
- Venkata Rao , et.al, ” Microstrip U-Slot Patch Antenna For Wireless Applications ”, International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NEC-ICASPC-2K20) 17th -18th July, 2020. Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet, A.P, India.
- Venkata Rao , et.al, ” Uv Sanitization Robot ”, International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NEC-ICASPC-2K20) 17th – 18th July, 2020. Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet, A.P, India.
- Venkatarao,” GPS position statistical error analysis”, International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Communications and Engineering,(ICMCCCE- 2018), Organized by Narasaraopeta Engineering College(NEC) in association with LABTECH innovations, 22nd and 23rd June 2018.
- Manjula, V. Venkata Rao and P. Chandrasekhar Reddy, “An Open Bound Estimator under Channel Diversity in Heterogeneous Network”, Proceedings of International Conference on Latest Trends in Electronics and Communication, ISBN 978-93-85100-14-7, pp.no 71-76.
- Kotha Pavan Kumar, Naveen Raja Velchuri and Venkata Rao, “A NOVEL ALGORITHM FOR MULTIPLE TARGET TRACKING UNIFIED WITH
TRAJECTORIES”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications–2K16 (NECICASPC-2K16), 9th – 10th September, 2016, pp.no 66-70.
- Palavelli Veeraraghavulu, Charles Stud and V. Venkata Rao, “CONTINUOUS DEPTH MAP RECONSTRUCTION FROM LIGHT FIELDS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications–2K16 (NECICASPC-2K16), 9th – 10th September, 2016, pp.no112-116.
- Baji babu and V. Venkata Rao, “AN ADVANCED SINGLE IMAGE VISIBILITY RESTORATION ALGORITHM FOR REAL WORLD HAZY SCENES”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications–2K16 (NECICASPC-2K16), 9th – 10th September, 2016, pp.no117-121.
- Venkatalakshmi and V. Venkata Rao “HIGH SPEED CARRY SELECT ADDER WITH LOW POWER DESIGN USING BRENT KUNG ADDER”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications–2K16 (NECICASPC-2K16), 9th – 10th September, 2016, pp.no 127-130.
- Thirupathamma, V.Venkata Rao and B.V. Rama Mohana Rao, “A REAL TIME TEXT LOCALIZATION AND RECOGNITION FROM SCENE IMAGES”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 7-10, 13th -14th July, 2015.
- V. Lakshmi, V. Venkata Rao and B.V. Rama Mohana Rao, “A NOVEL METHOD FOR IMAGE SECURITY USING IMAGE MOSAICING METHOD”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 17-22, 13th -14th July, 2015.
- Manjula and V. VenkataRao, “TRAFFIC CONTROL ROUTING PROTOCOL BASED ON LINK COST INDEX FOR HETEROGENEOUS NETWORKS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 66-71, 13th -14th July, 2015.
- Vijaya Bhaskara Chari, J. Narasimha Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “GABOR FILTERS IN LOG FORM FOR IMAGE ANALYSIS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 98-103, 13th -14th July, 2015.
- Nagoju Pavan Kumar, Venkata Rao and B.V. Rama Mohana Rao, “IMAGE AUTHENTICATION USING ROBUST HASHING METHOD”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 109-113, 13th -14th July, 2015.
- Samba Siva Rao, V. Venkata Rao and B.V. Rama Mohana Rao, “A NOVEL LOOK-AHEAD CLOCK GATING FOR POWER SAVING”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 137-140, 13th -14th July, 2015.
- Sagar Kumar, Shaik Mohammad Khaja and V. Venkata Rao, “GLAUCOMA SCREENING BY SEGMENTATION OF OPTICAL DISC & CUP SEGMENTATION”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), pp. 148-153, 13th – 14th July, 2015.
- Arun Chandragiri, Venkata Rao and B. V. Rama Mohana Rao, “Multi Level EMD for Inaudible Audio Water Marking”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K14), pp. 198-203, 4th -5th July, 2014.
- Rajeswari and V. Venkata Rao, “Local Altered and Optimized Center Pixel Weights for Image Denoising”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K14), pp. 193-197, 4th -5th July, 2014.
- Santhosh Gupta Dogiparthi and Venkata Rao, “A Novel Segmentation Method for Collections of Images”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K14), pp. 93-99, 4th -5th July, 2014.
- Sudheer Suragani, Venkata Rao and B. V. Rama Mohana Rao, “Image Enhancement by using Multi Surface Fitting”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K14), pp. 77-82, 4th -5th July, 2014.
- Rayani Ramanjaneyulu, B. Raja Sekhar and Venkata Rao, “Optimal Performance Improvement Of Selection Cooperation Networks With Arq Technique”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K14), pp. 4-8, 4th -5th July, 2014.
- Manjula and V. Venkata Rao, “Development of Mote for Wireless Image Sensor Networks”, 2nd International Conference ICRAMAV – 2013, pp. 156-166.
- Anny Yojeswi Malika, V. Venkata Rao, “Lossless Visible Watermarking By Using Translucent And Opaque Monochrome Method” Proceedings of International Conference On Computing (NECICC-2K13), pp. 45-51, 12th -13th July, 2013.
- L.Saranya, J.V.K.Ratnam, V. Venkata Rao, “Restoration Of Video By Removal Of Salt-And- Pepper Noise” Proceedings of International Conference On Computing (NECICC-2K13), pp. 57-61, 12th -13th July, 2013.
- Anusha, V.Venkata Rao, J.Narasimha Rao, “Skin Tone Based Secret Data Hiding in Images Using Plane Separation” Proceedings of International Conference On Computing (NECICC-2K13), pp. 62-66, 12th -13th July, 2013.
- Swarupa Rani, S.Vidya Rani, V.Venkata Rao, “Inter-Channel Correlation Method Using For Video Enhancement” Proceedings of International Conference On Computing (NECICC-2K13), pp. 142-144, 12th -13th July, 2013.
- Pravallika, P.S.S.Chakravarthi, V.Venkata Rao, “Recognition Using Secret Key in Iris Feature Extraction and Palm print Features”, Proceedings of International Conference On Computing (NECICC-2K13), pp. 152-156, 12th -13th July, 2013.
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha, J. V. K. Ratnam and
- V. Rama Mohana Rao, “A New Jacobian Determinant Based Multipolynomial Resultant Technique For Improving The GPS Position Accuracy”, International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP-2012), QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole, April 2nd-4th, 2012, pp. 83-87.
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha and V. B. S. Indira Dutt, “Satellite Clock Error Analysis”, International Conference on Mobile Internet Deveices (ICMID-2010), Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, 17-18 December, 2010, pp. 104-110.
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha, V. B. S. Indira Dutt and D. J. R. K. Kumar, “Statistical Error Analysis of GPS Position”, International Conference on Communication, Computation, Control and Nanotechnology (ICN-2010), Rural Engineering College, Bhalki, 29-30, October 2010, pp. 235- 238.
- Madhavi Latha, G. Sasibhushana Rao, V. Venkata Rao and B. V. Rama Mohana Rao, “A New Algorithm for Improving the GPS Position Accuracy”, 2nd International Conference on RF & Signal Processing Systems (RSPS-2010), KL University, Guntur, 7-9, January 2010, pp. 112-114.
- Naraiah, V. Venkata Rao, A. Ranganayakulu, Md. Zia-Ur-Rahman, “Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Communication Systems”, Proceedings of International Conference on Systamics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2009) organized by Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 7-10, Jan 2009.
- Lakshmaiah, V. Venkata Rao, A. Ranganayakulu, Md. Zia-Ur-Rahman, “Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Communication Systems”, Proceedings of International Conference on Systamics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2009) organized by Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 7-10, Jan 2009.
- Ranganayakulu, V. Venkata Rao, Md. Zia-Ur-Rahman, Appikatla Kiranmayi, “An Improved Visual Cryptographic Scheme Secret Hiding”, Proceedings of International Conference on Systamics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2009) organized by Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 7-10, Jan 2009.
- Zia-Ur-Rahman, M. Venkata Narayana, V. Venkata Rao, B. V. Rama Mohana Rao, “Simulation of Doppler Effects on detection of coded Radar Waveforms”, Proceedings of International Conference on RF and Signal
Processing Systems (RSPS 2008), K. L. College of Engineering, Vijayawada, 1-2, Feb 2008, pp. 150-155.
- Satya Sai Ram, R. Samba Siva Nayak, P. Siddaiah, M. Madhavi Latha, V. Venkata Rao, “Comparison of SSVQ using soft and hard decision schemes, S- MSVQ, SVQ”, Proceedings of International Conference on RF and Signal Processing Systems (RSPS 2008), K. L. College of Engineering, Vijayawada, 1-2, Feb 2008.
- Rajkumar Goswami, S P Setty, KVNM Prasad, Venkata Rao, S Swapna Rani, A L Siridhara and G Sasibhushana Rao, “ A New Method of Synchronisation Scheme Based on Bi-Spectrum Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on RF and Signal Processing Systems, Vijayawada, A.P, India., Feb 1- 2nd 2008.
- Sasibhushana Rao, A. D. Sarma, and V. Venkata Rao, “Interpolation of Ionospheric delay from IGP data for INWAAS”, ICORG-2000, 6th – 9th Feb. 2001, pp. 480-484.
- D. Sarma, V. Venkata Rao and G.Sasibhushana Rao “Simultaneous Measurements of TEC In Multiple Directions Using Dual Frequency GPS Receiver”, International Conference on Time & Frequency (ICTF), NPL, New Delhi, Feb.6-7, 2001.
- D. Sarma, G.Sasibhushana Rao, and V. Venkata Rao, “ SCORE Algorithm for Improving GPS Accuracy in Low latitude Regions”, Proceedings of ISAP-2000, Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 2000, pp. 337-340.
- D. Sarma, G. Sasi Bhushan Rao, and V. Venkata Rao,”Indian WASS (INWAAS) Ionospheric Reference Station Placement”, 52nd IAIN Congress/ION Annual Meeting, 2000.
- D. Sarma, G.Sasibhushana Rao and V. Venkata Rao, “Ionospheric Error Analysis of Indian WAAS”, Institute of Navigation, IONGPS-2000, USA, 2000.
- D. Sarma, G.Sasibhushana Rao, and V. Venkata Rao, “ SCORE Algorithm Based GPS to Complement Surveillance Radar for Air Traffic Control Applications”, International Radar Symposium India, Bangalore, Dec.1999, pp. 580-588.
- Venkata Rao et. al., “Satellite-Receiver Geometry Configuration Analysis Over the Indian subcontinent”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communications and Energy Systems (RACES-2011), Vignan’s Lara Institute of Technology and Science, Vadlamudi, 29-30 April 2011, pp. 12-18.
- Sasibhushana Rao, V. Venkata Rao, M. Madhavi Latha, G. Sateesh Kumar, and S. Deva Prasad, “Relativistic Error Impact on the Position Accuracy of GPS Receiver”, National Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies (NCACT-2010), GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, 03-04 December 2010, pp. 1-3.
- Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha, S. Deva Prasad and
- N. V. S. S. Kumar, “GPS Position Error Analysis Comparison using Point Solution Approach and Least Squares Approximation Algorithms for Surveying and GAGAN Applications”, National Conference on DSP, Embedded Systems, VLSI, Image Processing, Communications & Electronics Engineering (DEVICE- 2010), ANITS, Visakhapatnam, 13-14 November 2010, pp. 163-167.
- Bajid Vali, A. Ranganayakulu, V. Venkata Rao, “Design of VLSI Architecture for 2D Pipelined DWT”, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (NCRTIT 2009), Organized by Padmashri Dr. Vithal Rao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmadnagar, Maharastra, 20-21, Feb 2009.
- Naraiah, V. Venkata Rao, A. Ranganayakulu, Md. Zia-Ur-Rahman, “Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Mobile Communication Systems”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Communication Technology (ETICT-08) organized by GITAM Institute of Technology (GIT), Visakhapatnam, 19-20, December 2008.
- Madhavi Latha, V. Venkata Rao, G. Sasibhushana Rao, Md. Zia-Ur Rahman and B. V. Rama Mohana Rao, “Grid-based Ionospheric Modeling for Improving the GPS Position Accuracy”, National Symposium on Instrumentation (NSI-33), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 8-10, December 2008, pp. 127-128.
- Bajid Vali, V. Venkata Rao, A. Ranganayakulu, “DWT VLSI Architecture”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Systems, Organized by D. M. I. College of Engineering, Palanchur, Chennai, 19th Sept 2008.
- Ranganayakulu, Ch. Usha Bala, S. Purnakota Subba Rao, V. Venkata Rao, Md. Zia-Ur-Rahman, “Noise Reduction for MRI images via adaptive multiscale products thresholding”, Proceedings of National Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Organized by RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, 20-21, Feb 2008, pp. 101-105.
- Sasibhushana Rao, Swarna Ravindra Babu, S. Mariappan, J. Venkatesh, M. V.
- Sai, V. Venkata Rao, and K. V. N. M. Prasad, “Error Budget of GAGAN”, NCSSC 2007, MIT, Chennai, 1-2nd June 2007.
- V. Rama Mohana Rao, M. Madhavi Latha, G. Sasibhushana Rao, and V. Venkata Rao, “Power spectral density of L1 and L2 signals of GPS satellites”, National Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies (ACT-06), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 8-9 December 2006, pp. 92-94.
- Sasibhushana Rao, A. D. Sarma, and V. Venkata Rao, “A Real-Time Algorithm to estimate the Ionospheric GridPoint (IGP) value for Indian WAAS”, Proceedings of APSYM-2000, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Dec. 2000, pp. 187-190.
- Venkata Rao and A. D. Sarma, “Methods to Improve TEC Measurement Accuracy using GPS”, 37th Annual Convention and Meeting on The Earth and its Climate, Department of Marine Geology & Geophysics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, 19-21, December, 2000, pp. 19-20.
- D. Sarma and V. Venkata Rao, “Effect of Ionospheric Scintillations on INWAAS”, 36th Annual Convention and Meeting on Earth System Sciences in the Next Millennium, Department of Earth Sciences, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, 21-23, December, 1999, pp. 8-9.
- D. Sarma, V. Venkata Rao, N. S. Murthy Sarma, and R. S. Dabas, “Introduction to AMIC”, NERTU/DST/AMIC/01, Osmania University, Hyderabad, August 2000.
- Sasibhushana Rao, V. Venkata Rao, A. D. Sarma, and Prof. D.C. Reddy, “Ionospheric Wide Area Reference Stations for proposed INWAAS”, NERTU/IT/WAAS/01, Osmania University, Hyderabad, April 2000.
- S. Murthy Sarma, A. D. Sarma, V. Venkata Rao, T. Madhu, R. S. Dabas and
- M. Reddy, “Understanding of International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-90)”, NERTU/AMIC/02, Osmania University, Hyderabad, February 2001.
- Sasibhushana Rao, V. Venkata Rao, A. D. Sarma, and Prof. D.C. Reddy, “Estimation of Ionospheric corrections for INWAAS”, NERTU/MIT/WAAS/03, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Feb. 2001.
Five Day Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in IC Design Using Mentor Graphics Tools”, organized by the Department of ECE, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 18th – 22nd November.
- One Day Workshop on R, organized by Teaching Learning Centre ICT at IIT Bombay, attended at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet on 9th November.
- One Day Workshop on “eSim, a First Course in the IoT Series for Teachers”, organized by Teaching Learning Centre ICT at IIT Bombay, attended at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet on 21st September.
- Two-week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Machine Learning for Biomedical Applications”, organized by Department of ECE, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 29th July – 10th August.
- One week Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “Effective Teaching”, organized by NITTTR, Kolkota at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 15th – 19th July,
- One Day Workshop on “Python Workshop”, organized by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, attended at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet on 22nd June,
- Five Day Faculty Development Programme on “IoT Application Development using Advanced Processors”, organized by Department of ECE, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet in association with mud blocks Technologies Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad during 3rd – 8th June,
- One Day Workshop on “Scilab Workshop”, organized by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, attended at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet on 4th May,
- One week Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “NBA Accreditation”, organized by NITTTR, Kolkota at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 22nd – 26th April,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Recent Trends in Biomedical Instrumentation through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 25th March – 29th March,
- Blended mode Workshop on “Moodle Learning Management System”, organized by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, attended at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet on 15th March,
- One week Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “Problem Based Learning”, organized by NITTTR, Kolkota at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 11th – 15th February,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Digital System Design through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 28th January – 1st February,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Biomedical Signal Processing through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 16th – 20th July,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Embedded Systems through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 19th – 23rd March,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “VLSI Design through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 9th – 13th October,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Curriculum Development through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 4th – 8th December,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Wireless and Mobile Communication through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 30th October – 3rd November,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Instructional Material Development using Latest Media through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Institute of Technology, Narasaraopet during 17th – 21st, July,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Embedded World through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Institute of Technology, Narasaraopet during 20th – 24th, March,
- One week AICTE recognized Short Term Course on “Cyber Crime & Forensic Tools through ICT”, organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Narasaraopeta Institute of Technology, Narasaraopet during 6th -10th, February,
- A Two Day Faculty Development Programme on “Analog and Digital CMOS IC Design Flow using Mentor Graphics EDA Tools”, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopeta during 24th – 25th, November,
- A Ten day workshop on “Big Data Analytics”, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopeta during 11th – 21st, May,
- A one week Faculty Development Programme on “Learning Process & Learning Styles”, organized by Department of CSE and ECE, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 17th to 22nd June,
- A Two day workshop on “Introduction to Robotics”, organized by IIT Bombay under E-Yantra Project at Vignan University, Guntur during 26th – 27th, February, 2015.
- A Two day Faculty Development Programme on “Personal & Professional Excellence Vis-à-vis Language & Literature”, organized by Tirumala Engineering College, Jonnalagadda during 3-4, June
- A Two day national level workshop on “Recent Advances in Signal Processing”, organized by Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering, Mylavaram during 9- 10, May
- A Two day national level workshop on “Recent Trends in Signal Processing and Image Processing”, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet during 26-27, December
- A Two day national level seminar on “Vision 2020 for Communications”, organized by Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering, Vaddeswaram during 1-2, March
- A one week Curriculum Development Workshop on “Advances in Microprocessors” conducted at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad during 9-13, December
- Presented a paper titled “Satellite-Receiver Geometry Configuration Analysis Over the Indian subcontinent” in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Communications & Energy Systems (RACES-2011), Jointly organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vignan’s Lara Institute of Technology & Science, Vadlamudi during 29-30, April
- Presented a paper titled “A New Algorithm for Improving the GPS Position Accuracy” in the International Conference on RF and Signal Processing Systems (RSPS-2010), organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K L University, Vaddeswaram during 8-9, January
- Presented a paper titled “Wireless Mobile Online Application Using Framework” in the International Conference on Systamics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2009), organized by Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 7-10, Jan 2009.
- Presented a paper titled “Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Communication Systems” in the International Conference on Systamics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2009), organized by Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 7-10, Jan
- Presented a paper titled “An Improved Visual Cryptographic Scheme Secret Hiding” in the International Conference on Systamics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI 2009), organized by Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 7-10, Jan
- Presented a paper titled “Grid based Ionospheric Modeling for Improving the GPS Position Accuracy” in the National Symposium on Instrumentation (NSI-33), organized by Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam & Instrument Society of India, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during 8-10, December
- Presented a paper titled “Power spectral density of L1 and L2 signals of GPSsatellites” in the National Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies (ACT-06), organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam during 8-9, December
- Presented a paper titled “A Real-Time Algorithm to estimate the Ionospheric Grid Point (IGP) value for Indian WAAS” in the National Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSYM-2000), organized by Department of Electronics, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin during 6-8, December